How Am I To Know?

Watch as Len Finn unpacks Genesis 15 and shows us the Gospel in the life of Abraham.

How Am I To Know?

The whole point of Abram’s life and ours, is to learn to trust in God more than ourselves. God has a lot of time for questions that are born out of a desire to trust Him in a deeper way.

The story of Abram’s faith is not that he never let go of God, but instead, that God never let go of him.

You can know that God’s promises are true, because His promises are one-sided guarantees. 

God, who is the Lord of space and time, doesn’t simply make promises – He declares facts. 

The cross is the greatest fact of all history – the great ‘it is finished’ of all history. The cross is where God leads his people through everything that is wrong with the whole world, including death itself,  and leads us to a place of true life.

The cross declares more about you than anything that happens in your time here on earth. 

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