Roy Sanders Funeral Details
Roy Sanders passed to glory Tuesday, January 28 at 10 am.
There will be a memorial Service for him at Glad Tidings Church, Tuesday, February 4th at 7 pm.
Roy Sanders passed to glory Tuesday, January 28 at 10 am.
There will be a memorial Service for him at Glad Tidings Church, Tuesday, February 4th at 7 pm.
Below are the funeral arrangements for Wayne Neeb. Please continue to lift up the Neeb family in prayer.
Visitation will be held at the funeral home, Kitching, Steepe & Ludwig at 146 Mill Street North, in Waterdown between 2 – …
It is with sadness, but with the sure hope in the resurrection of the dead, that we share that Wayne Neeb passed away this afternoon.
Please pray for Naomi and the Neeb family during this time of grieving.
Funeral details …
Our pastorate gatherings this month are on Wednesday, January 29 and Thursday, January 30.
Here is the schedule. You can also see them on our calendar.
Wednesday, January 29
Northern Pastorate 6:15pm
Eastern Pastorate 7:30pm
Thursday, January 30
Central Pastorate …
Our church has undertaken the E100 challenge. E100 is a systematic Bible reading challenge consisting of 100 carefully chosen Bible stories. It guides you through the Bible so that you can get the big picture of the Story without getting …
Watch a Christmas Greetings from our Bishop, Charlie Masters.
Our Lessons and Carols service, which was cancelled last Sunday due to the ice storm, has been rescheduled for this Sunday, Dec 29th.
More info here.
Dear St. George’s,
I write to let you know that all church services have been cancelled today, due to inclement weather.
This has not been an easy decision, but one made in the interest of safety.
I have …
Come and join us for “Carols in the Park” at Norton Park in Alton Village on Sunday December 15th.
Click here to find out more. …