Hats and Scarves Outreach
St. George’s has gathered hats, mittens and scarves to give to the poor and homeless in Hamilton during an outreach this Sunday after church.
The idea is not to do a nice thing for the poor and feel good about …
St. George’s has gathered hats, mittens and scarves to give to the poor and homeless in Hamilton during an outreach this Sunday after church.
The idea is not to do a nice thing for the poor and feel good about …
Canon Andrew White, known as The Vicar of Baghdad, will be visiting us to baptize his grandson on Sunday December 7th, at 6pm in the Chapel. Ray David will interview him regarding the church in Iraq and the intense persecution …
Only a month and a half until our new church building is complete.
The Rev. Prof. Ken Herfst will be our preacher this Sunday. Ken and his wife have been attending St. George’s for the last few months. He has been a missionary to Guatemala for the last 20+ years. You can find …
Here are the minutes from last month’s Parish Council Meeting. The Parish Council is an advisory/work group made up of elders in the church.
Parish Council – 18th Sept, 2014 at 7 pm
Present: Dan Coverdale (Chair), Ray David …
Please welcome the newest member of our congregation, Lona Woodlyn Melle, born September 16th, 6 pounds, 4 ounces.
Brad and Brielle are both very proud parents.
September 9th: The floor was poured yesterday. The interior walls are expected to go up this week. Masonry is progressing and roofing is expected to start shortly.
A letter from Bishop Charlie.
We have had an interesting time over the Labour Day long weekend as we were arranging for a visit by Canon Andrew White (aka The Vicar of Baghdad) to ANiC’s St George’s Anglican Church (Burlington, …
The Vicar of Baghdad, Canon Andrew White will be visiting us to baptize his grandson on Sunday September 7th, at 4pm in the Founder’s Hall. Ray David will interview him regarding the church in Iraq and the intense persecution faced …