It Shall Stand Forever
Living in interesting times is not a curse, it is a blessing. In these times, God is calling you on a grand adventure; He is calling you to a life of faithfulness in the light of Jesus.
> watchBefore the King
Trust the Lord when you’re living in exile, no matter the cost. Reject the way Babylon will try to make you rely and trust in it, rather than the Lord God.
> watchAlways to Pray
Prayer is essential to the Christian life. As you spend time in prayer with your loving Heavenly Father, you will find that your will will begin to be conformed to His will.
> watchSearch Sermons
Current Sermon Series
“Join us this advent as we explore the final book of the Old Testament and how it points ahead to the dawning of the Messiah.”
> The Sun of Righteousness: Malachi
Let the darkness of this present age press you into Christ our Light. Let advent remind you that He has come and he will come again in glory.
> watchEven David, the mighty warrior, the man after God’s own heart, Israel’s greatest king, eventually died. But God’s Forever King, the better David was coming.
> watchIn these days of social upheaval, don’t be too quick to turn to your own devices, but instead stand firm on the Rock of your Salvation.
> watchWe are all like Absalom, with traitorous, rebellious hearts that seek to usurp the throne. Only after we see that our hearts are by nature like Absalom, can we see the beauty of Jesus.
> watchLike David, we all deserve to die. All of the sin and evil in the world is in you. The gospel is the only solution for the heart of men.
> watchWe cannot approach the presence of God through our own means – by the reaching out of our own sinful hands. For God is holy and we would be struck dead in His presence, but we have an advocate.
> watchDavid wept and mourned at the death of his enemy, Saul. Even more so, Jesus does not rejoice at a death of a sinner, but instead desires that all men might be saved and be brought under his gracious lordship.
> watchHow can you become more gracious to others? Return to the cross and remember the mercy God has shown you. We are never more like Jesus than when we forgive others rather than giving them what they deserve.
> watchJonathan saved David from the ill-tempered wrath of his father, Saul, but Jesus saved us from the just wrath of his Father – the Lord Almighty. We didn’t deserve saving, but Jesus is our faithful friend and brother.
> watchJesus has already slayed the philistine in your life. Unlike David, Jesus did not deliver you by the sword, but through the cross.
> watchIn David, the shepherd boy who was anointed king, we see a picture of our Redeemer, Jesus, the Good Shepherd who is our Eternal King.
> watchJesus has changed your family tree. Once you were traitorous, cutoff and outside the family of God, destined to starve and die, but now you have been welcomed to the table and given a place in the family of God.
> watch