He Delivers and Rescues

By R.D. Glenn | February 9, 2025

Work diligently and trust the Lord. Your response to trials and hardships should never be reactionary; they should arise from a resolve built through a life of humble faithfulness to Jesus.


The Writing on the Wall

By R.D. Glenn | February 2, 2025

You are not ultimately the king of your own life. There is a king greater than you. Either be humble or be humbled.

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An Everlasting Dominion

By Dan Taylor | January 26, 2025

It is through the storms that God sends into our lives that we learn who we really are and who God really is. Even the hardships are part of his merciful plan.

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In the Fire

By R.D. Glenn | January 19, 2025

If you find yourself in the fiery furnace of this world, know that in the flames of persecution you will see and know the Lord. He will grant you the grace to persevere and He will be right there in the flames with you.

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“Join us this advent as we explore the final book of the Old Testament and how it points ahead to the dawning of the Messiah.”

> The Sun of Righteousness: Malachi

Standing at the Right Hand

By R.D. Glenn | July 23, 2023

Nothing is beyond the redemptive scope of God’s goodness. He can take the apparent unmitigated loss of Stephen being stoned to death and use it to bring about the conversion of St. Paul.

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The Word Increased

By R.D. Glenn | July 16, 2023

The church must be adaptive in its means, but unshakable in its ends. Don’t ever compromise on the main thing – the preaching of Jesus Christ through the word of God.

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Anyone Can Be Saved

By Dwayne Cline | July 9, 2023

Anyone, anywhere can be forgiven and saved, not because of who you are, but because of who Jesus is.

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A Converted Heart

By Brock Hewitt | July 2, 2023

Don’t bow down to the altar of worldly wealth. Instead, overflow with hearts of generosity and fully trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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No Other Name

By R.D. Glenn | June 25, 2023

We can rejoice with boldness in the face of persecution, because even hardship serves a purpose under the loving, sovereign hand of God.

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Times of Refreshing

By R.D. Glenn | June 18, 2023

In the lame beggar we see a picture of our spiritual state before Christ. We are poor, needy and without hope in ourselves, but we have a Saviour who reaches down and raises us up.

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Glad and Generous Hearts

By R.D. Glenn | June 4, 2023

Christian devotion, as described in the early church, looks like dedication to apostolic teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread together, and prayer.

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Both Lord and Christ

By R.D. Glenn | May 28, 2023

The Spirit has been poured out so that you can know that the Jesus who was crucified has been made Lord and Christ.

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Numbered with the Apostles

By R.D. Glenn | May 21, 2023

Every legitimate experience of the Holy Spirit is rooted in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

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The Ascension

By R.D. Glenn | May 14, 2023

Jesus Christ is ascended and is now seated in heaven as the judge, with the scars that prove that your sins are forgiven.

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My Witnesses

By R.D. Glenn | May 7, 2023

Every single thing that we do and teach is only possible because the Risen Jesus ascended into heaven and sent his Spirit. The heart of every Christian should desire more of the Spirit, that we might effectively bear witness to the good news of the gospel.

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Peace to You

By R.D. Glenn | April 30, 2023

The strength of our friendship with Christ is that he comes to us in peace even when we fail him. The Risen Christ comes to you in peace and brings you peace.

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