It Shall Stand Forever
Living in interesting times is not a curse, it is a blessing. In these times, God is calling you on a grand adventure; He is calling you to a life of faithfulness in the light of Jesus.
> watchBefore the King
Trust the Lord when you’re living in exile, no matter the cost. Reject the way Babylon will try to make you rely and trust in it, rather than the Lord God.
> watchAlways to Pray
Prayer is essential to the Christian life. As you spend time in prayer with your loving Heavenly Father, you will find that your will will begin to be conformed to His will.
> watchSearch Sermons
Current Sermon Series
“Join us this advent as we explore the final book of the Old Testament and how it points ahead to the dawning of the Messiah.”
> The Sun of Righteousness: Malachi
Don’t bow down to the altar of worldly wealth. Instead, overflow with hearts of generosity and fully trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
> watchWe can rejoice with boldness in the face of persecution, because even hardship serves a purpose under the loving, sovereign hand of God.
> watchIn the lame beggar we see a picture of our spiritual state before Christ. We are poor, needy and without hope in ourselves, but we have a Saviour who reaches down and raises us up.
> watchChristian devotion, as described in the early church, looks like dedication to apostolic teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread together, and prayer.
> watchThe Spirit has been poured out so that you can know that the Jesus who was crucified has been made Lord and Christ.
> watchEvery legitimate experience of the Holy Spirit is rooted in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
> watchJesus Christ is ascended and is now seated in heaven as the judge, with the scars that prove that your sins are forgiven.
> watchEvery single thing that we do and teach is only possible because the Risen Jesus ascended into heaven and sent his Spirit. The heart of every Christian should desire more of the Spirit, that we might effectively bear witness to the good news of the gospel.
> watchThe strength of our friendship with Christ is that he comes to us in peace even when we fail him. The Risen Christ comes to you in peace and brings you peace.
> watchWhen the Risen Christ reveals himself to you in fellowship, the word, and the breaking of bread, your heart will burn within you and you will be born again.
> watchEverything in the created order is under the authority of the risen Jesus. Your task as a christian may be great, but your Lord Jesus is greater than the task.
> watchApart from a real, historic, bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ, we are hopeless and helpless before God. An Easterless Christianity is a powerless and hopeless Christianity.
> watch