It Shall Stand Forever
Living in interesting times is not a curse, it is a blessing. In these times, God is calling you on a grand adventure; He is calling you to a life of faithfulness in the light of Jesus.
> watchBefore the King
Trust the Lord when you’re living in exile, no matter the cost. Reject the way Babylon will try to make you rely and trust in it, rather than the Lord God.
> watchAlways to Pray
Prayer is essential to the Christian life. As you spend time in prayer with your loving Heavenly Father, you will find that your will will begin to be conformed to His will.
> watchSearch Sermons
Current Sermon Series
“Join us this advent as we explore the final book of the Old Testament and how it points ahead to the dawning of the Messiah.”
> The Sun of Righteousness: Malachi
“Who is Jesus?” is the most important question in the world. The entire cosmos encircles around it, for it is the question at the heart of the universe.
> watchGod is the master painter painting the portrait of your life. Sometimes the master paints with dark colours to create a masterpiece far more beautiful than you could have ever imagined.
> watchThe One who rules and reigns over everything, who is seated at the right hand of God, comes to you in the night and says, “Take courage. I am praying for you.”
> watchHave you ever fallen on your knees and repented before the Risen Jesus? It is possible to spend your whole life seeing Jesus, but never hearing and heeding his call.
> watchIf you find yourself in chains, see it as from the Lord. Our hardships shouldn’t be loathed or disdained, but embraced. Think about how this present hardship can further the gospel in your life and press you deeper into the grace of Jesus.
> watchAs a saved person, you have been tasked with a job that transcends all other vocations. Your calling is to take the message of salvation to others. It is a calling worthy of your life and it demands courage, conviction and determination.
> watchIn our culture, we have lost the virtue of valuing anything more than our own lives, but for the Christian, spending eternity with God is worth far more than our next breath.
> watchThere is encouragement in the gospel that displaces the troubles and burdens in your life.
> watchYou can never underestimate the power of selfish ambition to bring about destruction in your life. Instead, be ambitious for the gospel and the glory of God.
> watchThe Holy Spirit is not tingling feelings, He is the one who grants you a new life and empowers you to live a life marked by obedience and assurance.
> watchIf you are a Christian man or woman, God has given you and baptized you in the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you.
> watchIt is not enough to just act “godly” or to come to church, you have to repent and turn to Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
> watch