He Delivers and Rescues

By R.D. Glenn | February 9, 2025

Work diligently and trust the Lord. Your response to trials and hardships should never be reactionary; they should arise from a resolve built through a life of humble faithfulness to Jesus.


The Writing on the Wall

By R.D. Glenn | February 2, 2025

You are not ultimately the king of your own life. There is a king greater than you. Either be humble or be humbled.

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An Everlasting Dominion

By Dan Taylor | January 26, 2025

It is through the storms that God sends into our lives that we learn who we really are and who God really is. Even the hardships are part of his merciful plan.

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In the Fire

By R.D. Glenn | January 19, 2025

If you find yourself in the fiery furnace of this world, know that in the flames of persecution you will see and know the Lord. He will grant you the grace to persevere and He will be right there in the flames with you.

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“Join us this advent as we explore the final book of the Old Testament and how it points ahead to the dawning of the Messiah.”

> The Sun of Righteousness: Malachi

Treasure the Word

By R.D. Glenn | January 16, 2022

Follow along as R.D. Glenn unpacks Psalm 119 in our ‘God’s Word Written’ sermon series.

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God’s Authoritative word

By R.D. Glenn | January 9, 2022

A failure to give God’s word a place of primacy in our life is at the root of sin and a ploy of the serpent.

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The Promise Fulfilled

By Brock Hewitt | January 2, 2022

Christ abided by all things written in the law for us and in our place. Therefore in him we are adopted as sons of the Father and heirs to the promise.

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Love that Disciplines

By R.D. Glenn | December 5, 2021

If God sends hardship and difficulty in your life, it is not punishment – Christ has fully paid for your punishment in full, instead, it is his loving design. He loves you too much to allow you to stay on the path to disaster. When God disciplines you, it is evidence that you are his own.

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Live by Faith

By R.D. Glenn | November 28, 2021

Faith can result in conquering, but it can also result in something better – a cross-shaped life. God takes our losses and turns them into something beautiful.

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Jesus Died For You

By Brock Hewitt | November 21, 2021

In the Old Testament sacrificial system, people offered the best they had to God, but now in Jesus, God offers the best he has to us.

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Once For All

By R.D. Glenn | November 14, 2021

For the Christian, death is no longer something to be feared, for we have a Saviour and Mediator who has conquered death and has once for all dealt with our judgment, by the sacrifice of Himself.

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Written on Hearts

By Len Finn | November 7, 2021

Jesus is the mediator of a new and better covenant of hope – a covenant not written in a book, but instead written on our hearts.

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Saved to the Uttermost

By R.D. Glenn | October 31, 2021

How can a Christian person have assurance and confidence before a holy God? Jesus is able to save you to the uttermost. By his intercession, Jesus wraps us in himself. He envelopes us so that we can draw near to God.

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Full Assurance of Hope

By R.D. Glenn | October 24, 2021

You are not your own anchor – Jesus Christ is. So you can grow and live more deeply anchored in Him. You have been set free to grow in ‘doing’, without the burden of ‘earning’, because your high priest has gone before you and opened a way for you to enter behind the curtain.

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Our Priest Forever

By R.D. Glenn | October 17, 2021

The gospel strips us of any delusions that we can be good enough to deserve anything but judgment, but in Jesus, we have a high priest whose offering on our behalf has already been accepted by God.

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Draw Near

By R.D. Glenn | October 10, 2021

The active and slicing word of God lays us bare and exposes the sin that separates us from our Holy God, but we have a faithful high priest who has bridged the gap for us. Our job is to cling to him in our time of need.

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