My Name Will Be Great
When you offer to God only your scraps and leftovers, it exposes the fact that your heart is far from Him. But because He is King, He deserves all of your worship and devotion.
> watchI Have Loved You
Whether you are in exile or in the promised land, incline your heart towards the Lord always. That is where contentment is found.
> watchIn Truth and Love
Christians are committed to integrating and holding together truth and love. Check your heart; are you devoted to the truth because it is the most loving or simply because it fits into your political leaning? It is possible to hold the right value with the wrong heart and therefore be wrong.
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Current Sermon Series
“Join us this advent as we explore the final book of the Old Testament and how it points ahead to the dawning of the Messiah.”
> The Sun of Righteousness: Malachi
The Christian life is about learning to submit more and more to the Lord Jesus Christ, and bowing your knee to Him, who is far above all rulers and authorities and powers.
> watchGod has saved you. Therefore, like little children be imitators of God, your Loving Father. When you day by day love and trust God as Father, you will begin to look more like your Father and less like the world around you.
> watchThe Christian life is not primarily about putting off old vices, it is about putting on the new self, created after the likeness of Christ.
> watchTo be a mature Christian means to be steady at the wheel and to have one aim at one person – Jesus Christ.
> watchA tree will only grow to the extent that the roots deepen; the same is true for the Christian life. Let the gospel take root in Your life and you will begin to grasp the unfathomable love of God in Christ Jesus for you.
> watchChristian, take heart. Nothing comes to you but by the hand of God. The hardship you experience isn’t random, it serves a purpose.
> watchBefore Christ and after Christ; that is the essence of the Christian life; that is the shape of the gospel. Jesus is the turning point, He is the hero of your story.
> watchGod has taken your life, which was dead in sin, and He has so bound you to the Lord Jesus Christ, that now what’s true about Jesus is also true about you. You have been raised with Christ to new life and seated with Him in the heavenly places.
> watchEvery fear, worry and uncertain moments in our lives are shaped by an unconscious false narrative about God. Expose these false narratives and displace them with the truth of Jesus.
> watchThe Lord Jesus Christ rules and reigns over and above all; that is where your spiritual blessing resides. So, see everything in your life as service and praise to Him.
> watchIf you are in Christ, you are saved and the kingdom is yours. You can say with the apostle Paul, “He will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom”.
> watchBeliever, live with an eternal perspective. Christ is what you’ve been longing for. When you stumble in the marathon, He will be your strength and your nourishment. He is faithful and He will surely see you through.
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