Prayer Resources

We’ve been working through our “When You Pray” Sermon Series on Matthew 6 and exploring what prayer is and how each of us can grow deeper in our prayer lives. To help in this process, we have put together a prayer resource list that will help you set a rhythm of prayer in your daily life.


5 Things to Pray Series

This series of short books on prayer is designed to help grow and inspire your prayer life by giving you a practical, biblical framework for your prayers. Each chapter takes a passage of Scripture and looks at how it can influence how we pray for a specific issue. Through this series, you can pray for your kids, your spouse, your church, your city, your world, and your own heart, through the lens of scripture.

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Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship
By Jonathan Gibson

In Be Thou My Vision, Jonathan Gibson has created a 31-day liturgical guide designed to provide structure to the daily worship of individuals and families. Each daily reading includes a call to worship, adoration, confession, assurance, creed and catechism, the Gloria Patri, a prayer of illumination, Bible reading, intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer. Designed to be read in 15–20 minutes a day, this beautifully produced liturgy will give readers focus and purpose to their daily quiet time while teaching them historical prayers, creeds, and catechisms that point them to Christ.
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Does Prayer Change Things?
By R.C. Sproul

When a Christian prays, does it make any difference? Does it change anything? Though our prayers do not change God’s mind, He ordains prayer as a means to accomplish His will. We can be confident that prayer does change things—including our own hearts.
In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul argues that prayer has a vital place in the life of the Christian and calls us to come before God’s presence with joy and hope. Dr. Sproul shares practical wisdom and helps us understand the purpose, pattern, practice, prohibitions, and power of prayer.
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The Daily Offices
These offices (or forms of prayer) have shaped and enriched Christian prayer and worship for centuries. The benefits of the Daily Offices are only discovered through the consistent and enduring investment of time and energy. But the results are immeasurable: a robustly biblical and worshipful experience of Christ’s glory in the morning and evening — over and over again!
These daily offices have been adapted by our Friends at St. Peter’s Fireside, Vancouver and Church of the Messiah, Ottawa.
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The Book of Common Prayer
The Anglican Book of Common Prayer is the old and well-loved prayer book of the Church of England, in use since the 16th century. It has also become one of the classic English texts, its prayers and expressions helping to mould the English language into what it is today. For centuries, it has helped Christians form a habit of Christ-centered, Bible-rooted, God-honouring prayer.

If you have never read the BCP before, be aware that there can be a bit of a learning curve. We would suggest starting with the Daily Office (above), which use prayers adapted from the BCP, but in a simpler format.
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