“The Words of Qoheleth”: Reading Ecclesiastes as Good News
Tuesdays 8:00-9:30pm, September 7-28
When early Christian interpreters approached the Book of Ecclesiastes, they immediately saw a picture of Christ there. Gregory of Nyssa, for instance, could not imagine otherwise: it was clearly a picture of Wisdom incarnate, entering into the world, to search out its evils and its ills.
However, in recent decades, Ecclesiastes has emerged as one of the most maligned books of the bible. Modern commentators (including faithful Christian interpreters) have tended to paint the message of this book in terms of frustration, absurdity and hopelessness. The author, they argue, describes the meaninglessness of life and (at worst) offers an attitude of helpless resignation or (at best) calls us to seize the day and try to enjoy things as best as you can in the mess of life.
To read this profoundly beautiful book in such a way is a tragedy. It is to read it against how the book actually invites us to read it, against how it fits into the rest of Scripture, and against how the vast majority of Christian (and Jewish!) interpreters have read it down through the centuries.
This four-week course will explore how that could have happened (short answer: modernity has altered how we approach Scripture) and will unfold a biblically-grounded reading that reveals a book deeply reflecting on the nature (and importance) of trust in God in lives and histories that have fallen out of step with the intended goodness of His creation.
Email [email protected] to sign up.
Time: Tuesdays 8:00-9:30pm, September 7-28
Place: Zoom
Sept 7 — Week 1 — Introduction & Eccl 1 & 12
How Solomon was dethroned from Ecclesiastes; a survey of modern interpreters; a survey of early interpreters; Ecclesiastes as commentary on 1 Kgs 1-11; the structure of Ecclesiastes.
Have read: 1 Kgs 1-11 (at least 1 Kgs 8), Eccl 1 & 12:9-14.
Sept 14 — Week 2 — Ecclesiastes 1-4
What Qoheleth has seen in his life and Israel’s history.
Have read: Eccl 1-4; bonus Gen 1-2.
Sept 21 — Week 3 — Ecclesiastes 5-8
Conclude Qoheleth’s observation. What has Qoheleth found and not found: his results, “nervous breakdown,” and recovery.
Have read: Eccl 5-8.
Sept 28 — Week 4 — Ecclesiastes 9-12
What does it mean for Qoheleth not to know things, especially the most important things.
Have read: Eccl 9-12.
Fine print: There is homework. It is (of course) optional, but it’s just Scripture and you’ll definitely get more out of the course if you come prepared. The readings listed each week should be read for that class. Also, it is highly recommended that you read through the book once even before the course starts.