If you’re like me, you are always on the lookout for different ways to make the gospel come alive for your children. Sometimes this can be hard. You can feel intimidated, under-qualified, and not up to the task. Explaining the gospel to adults can feel difficult enough, but trying to explain its deep truths to a 4 year-old takes it to a new level of hard. Here’s where some really well-written, and deeply thought-through books can really help. These books not only instill the gospel message in your kids, they also teach you as a parent the language to communicate the gospel in a simple, clear way that children can understand.
Whether you are a parent, or a grandparent, or just a family friend, consider buying one (or all!) of these books for a child. You will be doing a service to both the child and the parents. And who knows, maybe one of these books will be the spark that God uses to make the truth of the gospel come alive in a child’s heart.
1. The Jesus Storybook Bible

By Sally Lloyd Jones
For Ages 3-10
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This is a favourite in our home. Sally Lloyd-Jones depicts the major stories of the bible and shows how ‘every story whispers His (Jesus’) name’. Jones writes with clarity and with a beauty I have never come across in children’s bibles. She is a member of Redeemer Presbyterian church in NYC, and you can see Tim Keller’s influence (the founding Pastor), shine through on each page (which is a good thing!). Keller says that this book is one of his favourite gifts to friends, whether they have children or not. Good storybook bibles are a great tool for teaching the biblical story to your kids, but it is also great for the parent. Hearing the gospel told simply and clearly is a beautiful thing. I have literally been in tears reading this little book to my kids before bed. If you have children, this book is a must.
2. The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden

By Kevin DeYoung
Ages 4-11
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I just recently picked up this book for our family, but I am already really enjoying reading it with my kids. Kevin DeYoung is the Board Chairman of the Gospel Coalition, and he has crafted a book that clearly tells the arc of the scriptures through the lens of the Gospel. It is dark at times and funny at others – which, when you are telling the Biblical story, is exactly as it should be. Buy this one for your kids to help instill a good biblical theology.
3. The Ology

By Marty Machowski
For Ages 6-12
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You are never too young to study theology. Theology is just simply the study of God. The Ology takes deep theological truths and explains them in a way that kids can understand. Through analogies and word pictures, the author helps kids grasp difficult theological concepts and understand how each truth is connected to the larger redemptive story of the Bible.
4. Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

By Sally Lloyd-Jones
For Ages 3-10
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This is another one from Sally Lloyd-Jones. If you are looking for a daily devotional to use with your kids, this one is perfect. It includes 101 thoughts inspired by the biblical account, theologians, science and history. And best of all it is saturated with a deep understanding of the gospel message. It is whimsically illustrated by Jago, who also created the art for The Jesus Storybook Bible.
5. The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the Roots and Shoots of Faith

By George Thornton
For Ages 8-14
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This book goes to the very roots of the Christian faith. It primarily teaches children about the gospel, but it also includes short biographies of prominent christian figures over the ages, and even gives instructions for fun challenges to take on (like making your own slingshot). This book is a bit different than the rest in that it is intended to be read by children, not to children. It’s definitely a good one to encourage your kids to read.
6. The Gospel Story Bible: Discovering Jesus in the Old and New Testaments

By Marty Machowski
Ages 5-11
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Here’s another great storybook bible, this time by Marty Machowski. Based on the ESV Bible, this illustrated Bible storybook uses 156 stories to present God’s plan of salvation in Christ from its opening narrative in Genesis to its finale in Revelation. This one includes more stories than both The Jesus Storybook Bible and The Greatest Story, which is useful just in itself. And as the name implies, it is quick to connect the gospel to the entire Biblical story.
Thankyou for sharing. Very informative.
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