The Gospel & Life

The Gospel speaks to all areas of life. It is the great lens through which we see ourselves, and the world clearly. Christ’s life, death, resurrection, ascension, and soon return, defines who we are. 

We believe that the Gospel – the Christian message – is the very best of news. And simply through hearing it and believing it we are changed forever, and merely through remembering it and believing it we grow. So as a church family we want to be growing more and more saturated and fluent in this amazing news, and how it transforms every part of life. The Bible calls the Gospel “the power of God for salvation”. We want to be a people fluent in that saving power.

Journey with us as we explore the Gospel and how it shapes our lives, and the life of the world.

“(The Gospel is) the extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him.” Rom 1:16

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