9 Truths About Yourself

Last Sunday Ray David began our new sermon series on Ephesians – Joined Together. You can listen to his sermon – ‘Joined Together With Christ’ here.
Ephesians 1 is brimming with dramatic revelations about the mystery of the cosmos, and the purpose of God’s will for His creation. It also clearly outlines who we are as christians now that we have been made alive and joined together ‘In Christ’.

In light of this, here are 9 truths to remember about yourself through Eph 1:1-14.



1. God has a good and personal plan for your life. Nothing is random.


2. God chose you before the foundation of the world.


3. You are ‘In Christ’, and because you are in Him, you are holy and blameless before God.


4. God has united you ‘In Christ’, and one day will unite all things in Him.


5. Everything that is true about Jesus is now true about you.


6. God has already blessed you with everything in the heavenly reward today.


7. Christ, who holds all of the authority of heaven, calls you His brother or sister.


8. God loves you and through Jesus He has adopted you as His daughter or son.


9. You have an incredible inheritance. The Holy Spirit, God-living and united inside of you, is the guarantee of this coming inheritance.


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