Home and Healing

Matthew and I returned home this week.  Our trip was much needed.  I am grateful to the Wardens and each of you for allowing us this special time.  Stories from our adventure will, no doubt, work their way into sermons for years to come.

Dear St. George’s, I love you.  I missed you deeply and feel at home being back with you all.  Your love and prayers are sustaining Matthew and me.

The prophet Jeremiah said,

For the wound of the daughter of my people is my heart wounded; I mourn, and dismay has taken hold on me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has the health of the daughter of my people not been restored? Jeremiah 8:21-22

While the context for this statement was Israel’s healing and salvation from rampant idolatry, I will chance an answer to the rhetorical question.  Knowing that the LORD’s heart is mourned and dismayed with the wound suffered by my heart I can confidently declare, ‘Yes’.  There is a balm in Gilead.  It is the healing salve applied daily by the Great Physician to my wounds.  In the same way that Jeremiah hurt for the hurt of his countrymen many of you have hurt for me.  Like Jeremiah you have cried out to the LORD on my behalf.

Rest assured the broken-hearted, mourning Master is restoring me and tending carefully to my broken heart.

I look forward to seeing you and hugging each of you this Sunday.

10 thoughts on “Home and Healing”

  1. Welcome back home Ray David. Even though I never met you personally. My heart and my prayers go out to you and Matthew. May the Lord continue to Strengthen you and Matthew and both of you be Comforted by the Holy Spirit as it has being until now. May the Lord Send His Angels around you and Matthew and Cover both of you with His Precious Blood In the Name of Jesus I Pray. Love in Christ. Kathy C:)

  2. We will miss you this week, but will look forward to seeing both of you when we return next week. Our prayers continue on your behalf.

  3. Rev Ray David and Matthew, So happy that you both had a great time together. I have been thinking of you both and praying for you often.May God continue to give you the strength you need to face each need day…
    God Bless,

  4. I am not a member of St. George’s, but I know how blessed they are to have you and Matthew with them. So many of us who loved Rhonda dearly will continue to keep you and Matthew in our prayers. We know that life will never be the same, but God alone is the Master of new beginnings……..I know He will continue to comfort both of you in the journey ahead.

  5. Ray, i haven’t seen you at the salon lately and i have been trying to find you and send you and Matthew my prayers and love..I am so sorry for your loss. God bless all your family. Sandra ( supercuts)

  6. I have prayed for you and Matthew. I have followed some of your journey. there is a book written by a godly woman in the loss of her husband called The God of all Comfort..finding your way into His arms. by Dee Brestin zondervan publishing. It is her honest personal journey.
    It might be a encouragment to you.

    May the one who Himself was a man of sorrows …well acquainted with grief…continue to uphold,answer,heal and strengthen you as you walk through this valley…

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