Rhonda Update April 29 – Evening

April 29th, 2010

Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; your judgments are like the great deep; man and beast you save, O Lord.
Ps 36:5-6

Dear St. George’s Family,

It has been a long day with ups and downs.  We were profoundly blessed by many, many visits, phone calls and emails.  You are all so very dear to us.  Your prayers and acts of love fill my heart with deep and abiding gratitude.

Rick Carpenter, Ken Bombay and Bryan Hunt reported a mighty prayer time tonight.  I remain humbled to serve such a prayerful and loving band of pilgrims.  Please continue to hold Don and Barb up before the Throne of the Heavenly grace as he prepares for surgery tomorrow as well.

Rhonda and I have been spending time in the psalms and they have proven rich.  Psalm 37 is one of my favourites.  I cannot read Psalm 37 without hearing Bryan and Scott leading us in worship!  Dear St. George’s, just the thought of you all worshiping Jesus together brings me great joy.  The Lord has proven it true time and again; His steadfast love and faithfulness reach to every place where his people could ever find themselves.  He has proven that it reaches even to a hospital room and well beyond a bad diagnosis.

His covenant goodness knows no bounds.

I am writing to ask you to please pray very specifically.  Please pray that God would intervene and heal Rhonda.  We are crying out, Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.  We need a miracle.

In the meantime, He has showered grace upon grace.  Rhonda and I find that He is our portion and He is everything we need.

Reposing upon His steadfast love.

3 thoughts on “Rhonda Update April 29 – Evening”

  1. Dear Ray David and family,
    My friend Penny and I were praying for Rhonda and tour family yesterday; we remember you both from Huntley Street and love you dearly.
    I don’t ususally get pictures when I pray for people but I woke up in the night with an image of spiderlike threads (occult?) sticking out from Rhonda’s head in all directions. I immediately thought that perhaps a curse had been sent against her. Quite often local witches etc will target prominent clergy and their families to interfere with their ministry.
    So I offer you here this prayer by Francis MacNutt of Christian Healing Minstries.

    ‘Lord Jesus, I ask You to protect our family [mention by name..especially Rhonda…also can include pets] from sickness, from all harm and from accidents. If any of us has been subjected to any curses hexes or spells, I declare these curses hexes and spells null and void in the name of Jesus Christ. If any evil spirits have been sent against us, I decomission you in the name of Jesus Christ and I send you to Jesus for Him to deal with as He will. Then, Lord , I ask you to send your holy angels to guard and protect all of us’
    (This prayer is taken from Francis book, Deliverance from Evil Spirits)

    You might have a different interpretation of the picture I got so by all means pray about it and see what the Lord tells you.
    I will continue praying and hoping for a good report
    In His love and peace,
    Eleanor Cawthorne
    PS I prayed a version of this prayer on your behalf.

  2. “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:11-12

    Ray David and Rhonda, Dar and I are praying from our first waking moments. We think of you often throughout the day, and we have enlisted our church family at South Shore in joining the body of believers who are lifting you up.


  3. Dear Ray David, Rhonda and Matthew:

    To let you know that you are all being lifted up in prayer on prayer lines and chains around the world.
    At this time, May “The peace that passes all understanding” be in you and in all those that love you.

    God’s Hands are upon you and His warmth is surrounding you, In Jesus’ Name,

    Blessings from Newfoundland,

    Gerry O’Brien

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